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Sound Blaster G8 具备双USB音频输入和混音,业界领先的32位超高解析度播放以及独特的Xamp分立式耳放,可为您带来振奋人心的胜利之音。
Sound Blaster Acoustic Engine
Scout Mode
Sound Blaster G8 是Creative首款具有双 USB-C 输入和混音功能的 DAC, 可同时从两个 USB 设备串流音频, 体验无缝连接和令人惊叹的音频保真度。
游戏机、移动设备和 PC?
您控制设备的一体化集线器:通过 USB-C 接口连接游戏机、移动设备、PC 等设备,然后将音频无缝混合并投射到流媒体软件和平台。通过 HDMI ARC,Sound Blaster G8 可与您的游戏机设置完全结合。
Sound Blaster G8 可播放高达 32 位/384 kHz 的本地高解析度文件,为您带来超高的音频保真度。聆听每一个细微之处,感受每一个节拍。您的音乐和游戏音频从未如此动听。
Sound Blaster G8 由我们定制设计的 Xamp 分立式耳放提供动力,可单独驱动耳机的左右声道,为您带来如丝般顺滑、异常清晰和精确的音频。
这将可以毫不费力地驱动 8Ω 至 600Ω阻抗 的耳机和入耳式监听设备。它还具备超低的耳机阻抗,仅为1Ω。
凭借 130 dB的超凡动态范围,为您的游戏、音乐和电影注入活力。
全套 Sound Blaster Acoustic Engine 音效增强功能触手可及。主宰战场,聆听您的声音,获得竞争优势,让自己完全沉浸在每一种声音中。
掌控您想听到的声音。 Sound Blaster G8 的 10 段均衡器可让您掌控全局。震撼人心的低音,直冲云霄的高音—您的声音此刻才真正属于您自己。
耳听为虚,眼见为实。我们的专有算法会实时分析战场声景,并准确无误地向您提供对手的位置。有人称之为不公平优势,我们称之为Scout Mode(侦察模式)。
在游戏中,清晰的沟通至关重要,而 CrystalVoice 可以做到这一点。凭借尖端的降噪和声学回声消除技术,您的语音清晰流畅,通话始终准确无误。
GameVoice MIX 是由我们的专业工程师设计打造,可以让游戏玩家能够快速调整并平衡游戏中音乐和正在进行的语音聊天或专用频道上的音量水平,让玩家能够始终专注于真正重要的——游戏体验。
所有控制和按钮方便地位于顶部,以便无缝访问 Sound Blaster Acoustic Engine 技术、直通模式和源切换。
得益于Creative的Sound Blaster,将电脑上最初的简单哔哔声发展成为丰富、沉浸式的音频体验,它也成为了几十年来全球公认的首选声卡品牌。在这里探索我们多年来的尖端音频技术以及更多Sound Blaster的资讯。
了解更多MAC OS 支持将在 2025 年第一季度提供。
The Creative SoundBlaster G8 is one of the best gaming DACs for live streamers. It’s an excellent tool that can bring together sound from more than one device. It’s probably best suited for use with gaming consoles and PCs. If you are a live streamer or gamer, the Creative SoundBlaster G8 offers a lot for the money. Its closest rival is probably the RØDE Streamer X, but it is unique in what it offers and a versatile piece of kit that can do a lot for the money, especially with the power of the Creative app behind it.
Having used the Creative Sound Blaster G8 for the last two weeks or so testing it, I can pretty much say that it has found a permanent place in my setup. I liked how I didn't need to keep switching my speakers between my MacBook Pro and desktop PC, and the sound quality is excellent. I do mind that it only comes with two USB-C cables, and no 3.5mm ones to connect my analog devices. At S$239, the Creative Sound Blaster G8 is definitely a good deal for those who are looking for even more of an edge in gaming, or those who want to take their PC audio setup to the next level
I would generalise that the Sound Blaster G8 is a 2-channel audio mixer that supports two USB digital audio inputs, a unique capability while most audio mixers just offer analog or at most one USB input. It is also unique to support HDMI ARC audio input. If your setup requires these audio connectors, then Sound Blaster G8 is a god-send.