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SXFI AMP 提供了个性化耳机音响的两个先进领域技术。它那小于一根手指头的小巧放大器,内置了全新,叫人惊叹,获奖无数的声晰飞全息耳机音响技术;同时,它也是一个高端高品质的耳机放大器,能够匹配推动高端专业级耳机。
SXFI AMP通过USB-C接口连接到外部的器材,也可以通过合适的转换器连接到其他类型的接口,如USB-C 至 A转换器 。通过USB 接口衔接到PC或Mac,SXFI AMP的声晰飞全息音响技术,让您享受来自电影或游戏的5.1或7.1声道电影院音响,宛如身临其境,美妙如真!
SXFI AMP内置的声晰飞UltraDSP芯片根据您的个性化轮廓资料 (Super X-Fi profile) 来处理数字音频,然后通过3.5 mm耳机接口,把这处理过,个性化的数字音频播放到耳机。
SXFI AMP采用一颗高端高解析度数字模拟转换器芯片128 dB AKM 32-bit DAC来作数音频解码器,它提供了高清晰度高保真音响,有着极低的噪音与极低的失真度:可达120 dB 信噪比 (SNR) 及0.0003 % 失真度 (THD),远远超越了市场上的一些高价位耳机放大器。
SXFI AMP强大的高端耳机放大器的阻抗可达600 ohm,能够推动大多数款式的模拟耳机,包括高保真的专业级耳机。
在选择耳机时,请用 ”Super X-Fi Certified” ( 声晰飞认证过)的耳机来匹配SXFI AMP,以便达到更好的声晰飞全息音响体验。
SXFI AMP采用美丽大方又精巧耐用的铝制材单一外壳,令人惊艳!
The technology is impossible to miss. It’s not subtle like the jump from 1080p to 4K. It makes audio sound more natural and more like it’s in the world with you.
It’s like sitting in a room with a high quality surround sound system: watching movies on the train will never be the same. I got highly accurate left/right and front/back definition of sound sources in a coherent and believable fashion. From this view, SXFI is a hit.
Best of CES 2019
Super X-Fi is stunning. The technology is impossible to miss. It’s not subtle like the jump from 1080p to 4K. It makes audio sound more natural and more like it’s in the world with you.
powerful package on an unbeatable price
It's an amazing headphone DAC!! I love the tailoring the sound done through the app with your physical ear characteristics along with being able to pick your headphones from a long list of headphones to help with the contouring the sound exactly to the headphones you are wearing! Great everything!! Great work Creative!
Love this amp.
*对于没有USB Type-C端口的设备(例如较旧的PC / Mac),需要USB-A 至 USB-C 转换器